Brad R. Cook
Author and Historian
“I see things that never were and say, “Why not?””
Welcome to the roads of my imagination! An oak-lined lane that always leads to adventure. I hope you enjoy these tales as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Below is information about each series I’ve written. Dive deeper into those stories by visiting their pages. Plus, learn a little about me, or what I can do for writers. Don’t forget to visit my bookshelf to see all my books!
New Releases!
The Airdrainium Adventures continue with Short Tales, more stories from the Highland Dragon Academy. Best of all they are a fun activity. Print the page and Build Your Own Book! Instructions are on the back page of the book and on the Airdrainium Adventures Page
The Test - Free
Anderax (Steamtree) is stressed about his first test at the Highland Dragon Academy and he’s not prepared.
The Squirrel - Free
Anderax (Steamtree) meets a small furry mammal who is not happy about sharing the tree.
More Short Tales are on the way - a new tale will be released every Friday!
New Tales! Rail Riding, The Race, The Jacket, The Jacket part two, The Rookery, The Gorge, Cloud Sitting and Storm Escape now available. Visit the Airdrainium Adventures page for more Short Tales!
All 10 Short Tales have been released! Soon they’ll all be together in a paperback and ebook collection! Coming Soon!
Available Now!
$4.99 Ebook
$14.99 Paperback
Order a signed paperback!
The Remarkable Journey of the First Road Trip Across America
The true story of the first road trip from the mechanics point of view
Young Adult Historical Fiction, all ages
It started as a bet, became a race, and changed the world!
The Iron Chronicles - Iron Horsemen, Iron Zulu, and Iron Lotus
High Adventure in the Age of Steam and Steel
Young Adult Historical Steampunk, 13+ years
Second Edition includes Maps, Illustrations, and New Scenes
Iron Horsemen, Book I of The Iron Chronicles (Second Edition)
Iron Zulu, Book II of The Iron Chronicles (Second Edition)
Iron Lotus, Book III of The Iron Chronicles (Second Edition)
The History of St. Louis Writers Guild: Celebrating a Century
The writers, the stories, and the city that inspired them.
Happy 100th Anniversary to SLWG!
Order a signed paperback and get a download packet
The Airdrainium Adventures
The aircities and dragon academies want war. All anderax wants is to climb trees.
Illustrated Middle Grade Fantasy, 10+ years
Steamtree: Book One - Aircities are slipping. Dragons have returned. Trees need climbing.
Geartree: Book Two - A book bound by iron. An ancient cloud city. More trees to climb.
Get both books! Order signed copies of Steamtree and Geartree!
Quick Adventures
* A Clockwork Heart (steampunk)
The Dragon Slayer (fantasy)
* Doomed Flight of the Majestic (dieselpunk)
* Touch the Stars (steampunk)
The Secret of Knotbridge Hill (fantasy)
* The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack (steampunk/horror)
Europa (sci-fi)
* Cloud Climbers (steampunk)
* Night Run (sci-fi)
* The Grove (thriller)
*Battle of Salga (historical fiction)
*available in ebook and paperback
Behind the Iron Door: Steampunk Short Stories
5 Tales of Steam and Fantasy
Paperback Only - The stories are available individually as ebooks
The Baroness - Touch the Stars - Doomed Flight of the Majestic - A Clockwork Heart - The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack - Plus, Man at the Crossroads, a bonus Flash Fiction
I’ve also written:
”1904, The Weirdest Olympic Marathon”
in the SLWG anthology, WEIRD STL
”The Picnic”
in St. Louis Writers Guild Members Anthology 2024
”Man at the Fork in the River”
in Where Rivers Meet an Anthology by St. Louis Writers Guild
”Where SLWG Rests Its Quill”
in Love Letters to St. Louis: An Anthology by St. Louis Writers Guild
”The Man at the Crossroads”
in the St. Louis Writers Guild 100th Anniversary Members Anthology
and as a bonus in Behind the Iron Door
”Clayton the Little City”
in St. Louis Reflections
Articles for The Scribe: A Literary Magazine by St. Louis Writers Guild
For more information on St. Louis Writers Guild — stlwritersguild.org
So what is Steampunk? The easy answer is Historical Fantasy, maybe Victorian What If…
Want to know more? Visit Gateway Steampunk Society - gatewaysteampunksociety.org
Enjoy the adventures,
Brad R. Cook
MWG/SLPA/SLWG Conference Members and Anyone Else
Here is the handout from my workshop at the MWG/SLPA Conference - Resources for Researching the Book, the Genre, the Agent, and the Publisher
Nominated: Best Local Author in the Riverfront Times Best of St. Louis 2023
Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for me, congrats to Allison Cundiff who won.
Had a great time being interviewed by the Way-Word Writers Podcast.
We talked about my books, history, writing, and story graphing. I’ll post it here when once it airs.
I was interviewed by Bold Journey Magazine - we talked about creativity, writing, books, and more.
Way-Word Writers Podcast Interview
I had a blast. We talk about Story Graphing, a great editing tool, my books, publishing, and Agent 355 of the Culper Spy Ring.
Check out the video or listen at www.waywordwriters.com
Read more about Story Graphing on my tumblr page -
Story Graphing: A Visual Editing Tool
Order this book online or from your favorite bookstore.
If you’re in St. Louis consider one of the wonderful indie bookstores…
Main Street Books, The Novel Neighbor, Subterranean Books, & Left Bank Books
The History of St. Louis Writers Guild - Ebook - $5 on amazon.com
The History of St. Louis Writers Guild - Paperback - $14.99
order from your favorite bookstore
Find more online
@BradRCook on Instagram, Threads, BlueSky, and more
Want to play a game… Select your story as you go on a road trip.
Relive history and select options like what car and what direction to take
It’s fun, but only a small portion of what they faced.
Can you make it to New York City?
Game is on the First Road Trip Page - click the picture below and scroll down
Book trailers!
Holds all my book trailers, like the one above.
Writers, discover episodes of Write Pack Radio and the SLWG Author Series as well.
Stay in touch via bradrcook
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, MeWe, and more.